It's been late, but anyways its better to be late than never. Sweaty palms, the water beads appear on the forehead. Draught in the thoughts, the words disappeared even after scribbling down on the paper, while writing for HIM. No, it is not a fear or might be a bit of it dissolved in the essence of HIS love, hidden. Which is never seen in HIS words and never felt with that expressions. Secretive with HIS thoughts, so we have to be cautious every time with HIM. HIS role fluctuates with the situations. There is always HER love essence all around, which is natural and HE even being doing many things or everything never seen appreciated. HE is harsh with words, loud with action but still a silent person. HIS work is like that silent worker who keeps on working and working never been noticed. Engrossed with HIS own activity pressure and workload. Surrounded even with all this HE never let us know a single hint that what's going on within HIM. Like a silent student who eve...
Life is all about Loving and Living...